Join us for our Summer Craft Camp!
This past week, we’ve been trying to prepare for the upcoming looong summer months with the kids. Between Aubrey, Annalisa, Jenn, and Beth, we have 13 kids – ranging from 17 down to 2 years old!
The camps that were the most appealing to us were indoors (it’s HOT in Southern Utah) and not too pricey. BONUS if the kids get to bring things home with them to continue to use during the long summer days.
Thus the idea for Summer Craft Camp was born!
We are offering 2 sessions, split up by age group.
The attendees will leave with –
- a stamp set
- an ink pad
- a clear block for stamping
- and 3-4 creative projects.
They will learn how to use the supplies so they can keep crafting at home!
We will meet in Bloomington Hills at 2183 South Harmony Place St. George, Utah 84790
Click here to register for the 8-12 Year Old Class held Thursday, June 13th from 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Click here to register for the 13-18 Year Old Class held Thursday, June 20th from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Please let us know if you have any questions! We would love to see your little ones at one of our Summer Craft Camp sessions!

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